Welcome to 2018! While you can set a goal any day of the year, many of us use New Year's to start over. From working out, to writing books, to making new friends, January is an ambitious time of year. Unfortunately, only about 8% of people keep their New Year's...
As we head into the new year, one thing that comes to many of our minds is letting things go and starting fresh. New beginnings might involve relationships, jobs, or for many of us, removing the junk we've acquired over the year (maybe even years!). If you're looking...
Over the last three months, my Bitcoin investment has tripped – as the value of Bitcoin has shot up from $5,000 to over $15,000. With Bitcoin up almost 2000% this year, I know many people are wondering if now is a good time to buy, or if the ship has sailed. So today,...
According to a survey conducted by the National Retail Association, the average American will spend around $950 during the holiday season. For many of us, this can make the holidays a financially stressful time! Here are a few tips to help prepare you to financially...
If you're reading this, chances are good that you're looking to gain an edge financially. Chances are also pretty good that you've opened your eyes to the unfortunate reality of American lives – it's driven by financial pressures. It's overwhelming. So we pick up...
It's easy to make little missteps with your money. But those missteps add up – costing you in the long run. Some mistakes can feel safe, but they're really just psychological crutches that cost real money. So instead of following your heart, follow the math when it...