Managing money on the road can be tough. But with a little extra preparation, you can travel the world like a financial pro. Here are seven money saving tips to make your next trip more affordable! 1. Make the most of airline miles Few things will help you get around...
Anyone who travels outside of North America recognizes that Americans drive more than nearly anyone else in the world. Even in the wealthiest cities of Europe and Asia, most people live close to work and commute via bus, train, or bicycle. Not in the United States....
I bought my first car for $500 from my friend’s brother. It shouldn’t have been a good idea. The interior panels were all hanging off, the wheels made a weird rattling sound and the engine used to whistle when you revved it too hard. But that car kept going and going...
So, you want to be a digital nomad. I’ve been living the digital nomad lifestyle for 4 years now and I love it. It’s given me the freedom and flexibility to live a life full of adventure. But it’s not all sitting on the beach trying not to get sand in your laptop...
My ultimate dream-come-true scenario would be my husband and I quitting our jobs and being free to travel the world. In the past, a dream like this would be nearly unthinkable as it would involve having the money to pay for such an adventure up front or being able to...
It’s no secret college is expensive. Tuition, room and board, and textbooks alone are thousands of dollars a year. How are you supposed to afford a social life on top of all this? It may be time to think about getting a job. You have new friends, you might be...